Online campaign: Marlijn
Marlijn is a brand in the first place made up by two classmates. We formed a group together and worked their concept out to a campaign. I did the online campaign with one other classmate. We’ve made a platform for Nostalgische Nelly’s to upload their stories together with their new bags. In this way other Nelly’s could get inspired to epicycle an old garment into a new bag with new memories. To explain our idea we have made a video that you can download down below. My part in this project was making catching centences and names, for example the Nostalgische Nelly. Al the texts are written by me and most conceptual ideas where made up by me. But also getting hold on the assignment and making sure the other two in the group who where making the magazine, have contact and keep it all in one line.
"Leven in het nu en een klein beetje in het toen is wat de nostalgische Nelly's graag doen."
To watch the whole video, download this file >>>
Fashion strategy
Online campaign: Marlijn
"Maak nieuwe herinneringen met dit nostalgische tasje!"
"Ontdek de vrijheid samen met je kind"
Brand me
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Sem 3
FEB 2020/JULY 2020
This project is made with one other classmate. We have worked out her first concept. This was one of my favourite products I’ve made. Making a creative brief was new, difficult but also really cool to do. To make up a brand not only from the idea, the insight but mostly based on the target group and the market/competition. Doing research and working it out in text and in visuals is what fits me, I’m good in writing (in Dutch) and finding visuals and making layouts.
Out of another person in class who made dna-boards, we had to make a concept. I had an inspiring girl so I could make an outgoing concept. I enjoyed looking for special images and felt a bit sad we didn’t worked this concept out in the other assignment. Working with colours, bold letters but still keeping the layout simple is how I would describe my style and favourite way of working.